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April 30, 2022

Category - Events

Educational Excursion on 'Varied Houses Around the World' for class III

Throughout history, people have created  shelter that fit their surroundings. Including access to tools, availability of materials and type of climate, individuals from all over the world constantly reinterpret, reimagine and redefine the concept of home.

To give a glimpse of the different kinds of houses across the world, an excursion to ‘Varied Houses around the World’ was organized for the students of class P3 on April 30, 2022 through a virtual platform.

The students explored the different types of houses in India, Canada, New York , Korea, Mongolia, Philippines and learned about a variety of houses like Bungalow, Victorian houses, stilt houses, yurts, duplex apartment, studio apartment, house boats, railroad houses to name a few. The children were mesmerized to see the unique houses across the world. They were able to understand how different criterias like climate, raw material, land and rainfall etc. affect the kind of house in a particular region. It was a great learning experience for them.

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