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October 09, 2021

Category - Events

Show and Tell Activity Nur P2

'Junk Food satisfies you for a minute, healthy food satisfies you for a lifetime.'

Students of classes Nursery-P2 zealously participated in a 'Show-N-Tell Activity' held on October 5,2021. The activity took place through a live zoom session and was conducted to strengthen the verbal skills and confidence of the students, as well as to foster the art of public speaking in the young modernites.The students of Classes Nur-KG spoke about 'Healthy and Junk food'  whereas students of  classes P1-P2 expressed their views on  'My Healthy Plate'. The young modernites talked about the importance of various nutrients, eating right as well as the need to  avoid eating junk food and sugary drinks. They also explained how healthy food makes one fit, strong and active whereas junk food makes one weak, fat and unhealthy, using different props. 

It was a fun- filled and informative activity that not only helped in enhancing their knowledge, confidence and speaking skills but also in  inculcating healthy eating habits.

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